I had used all the porn on the Internet, so I started torrenting 90 Day Fiancé, and as I watched it got me to thinking: this is exactly the kind of thing mid-period The Last Psychiatrist would've written about. You know, after the 'psychiatry inside baseball' posts from like 2006 about drugs neither of us have ever heard of, let alone used, but before the knotty late-period posts where he tried to explain the entirety of society in the 2010s. I mean the bit where he was writing about, like, random ads, or random music videos , or Hop. "Hop?" Seriously . Mr Teach has, of course, moved onto writing actual books, and I promise I'll get around to reading Watch What You Hear once 90 Day Fiancé is done, but in the mean time I need my meaningless nonsense fix. And I suppose, if you want something done properly, you do it yourself, so here goes. Grant me that reality TV is fake as hell, that I am not any sort of psychiatrist, let Alone the Last, et cetera et cete...