"And I ain't much to hear" - Shame, 'One Rizla' "Lay off the fucking post-punk, all of you" - a friend reviewing 'This Nation's Saving Grace' by The Fall I find the rehabilitation of Brutalism as an architectural form really strange. The current consensus seems to be that everyone is wrong to think massive brown buildings completely incongruous with the surrounding architecture are ugly - witness the invocation of Trump , the most famous idiot in the world, in this piece, for example - and that people simply don't understand how gorgeous they truly are. Brutalist buildings receive elegies on BBC Radio 3, the poshest channel, and we're subjected to headlines like To Some, Boston City Hall Is An Eyesore. To These Artists, It's Inspiration. All of this completely misses the point, though. Brutalism is bad because Broadwater Farm erupted in rioting and Ronan Point erupted in flames, because Brasilia rapidly became an overpopula...