Bristol Pride Sponsored By PricewaterhouseCooper, or: Pete Buttigieg Isn't Gay, And That Explains Everything
I Lads. I've got a scoop. This is the big one. This is what catapults me into the major leagues. I'll have NYT articles casting me as the doyen of the new 'roadman left', which is exactly the same as the regular left except sometimes we say 'pussyhole'; it's all very vulgar , in both senses of the word, and VERY subversive. We're really shifting some paradigms out here. I'll supplant Ash Sarkar as the official one (1) Commie of Colour that you're allowed to see on the TV. It's gonna be a madness. Anyway. Listen. Here's the tea, sweeties: Brands have co-opted Pride in order to sell shit. I know, I know. "How did you figure out something so incredibly not-obvious? No one's been pointing that out on Twitter???" Well, my dears, it all came to me last year. I was invited to spend Pride with my friends in Bristol. I'd never been to a Pride event before, and I wasn't really sure what to expect. I was aware that it p...