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Showing posts from March, 2019

The Four South Londons

Serious work deals in facts and truths. Check the Wikipedia for South London and you will read of our extensive train links and temperate maritime climate. My work deals opinions and vague feelings - like a comment on the last post said, I'm "fuzzy on the specifics," but by the end of this post you will have a much better understanding of what being in South London entails than if you were to solely read the wiki. You can never get the whole story from facts and figures alone, otherwise poets would just do econ and Ronaldo would be universally acknowledged as better than Messi, which you guys know is wrong because I've been subliminally reinforcing it for months now. James C. Scott makes a distinction between metis , a localised, experience-based form of knowing things, and episteme , the more abstract, generalized, theoretical knowledge, and Samzdat writes about the ramifications of that here . This post will provide you with the metis that Wikipedia cannot. You ...

The Dumb Shit That Labels Did In The Wake Of Nirvana

"Nobody knows anything." --As the late William Goldman famously said in his book, Adventures in the Screen Trade (1983). Many others said it before, I'm sure. It's an open secret to Hollywood insiders. But amateurs still need to learn it. — Lizabeth Felti (@LizabethFelti) February 9, 2019 I cannot stress this enough: no one knows what the fuck they're doing, least of all companies. Real truth about it is, no one gets it right . Yahoo! consistently makes the worst decisions imaginable and yet somehow still exists. Leeds United are just one of countless examples of brands that tried to update themselves and their image for the modern day and lost the plot. And once Nirvana broke, no label had any idea what they were doing. There's a ridiculously oversimplified narrative that says "indie did not exist, and then Nirvana released "Smells Like Teen Spirit", and then everything and everyone was suddenly indie." Thi...